Tuesday, March 6, 2012

"How to"

Do you ever read those "how to" articles? I love DIY and How-To stuff.  While so many things in life can be done on your own, living never is. I believe God has called me to live a life that's less than ordinary. There are so many overused life-sayings that are meant to be 'inspirational'. Without God's Word though, those inspirational sayings fall flat for me. So I came up with a few of my own. None of these ideas are new by any means, but they are lessons I have learned/am learning and take with me in my life.

ALWAYS speak of Jesus Christ in both your words and actions. (Matt 5:16)

NEVER be ashamed of who Christ is and who He has made you in Him. (Romans 1:16, Eph 2:10)

DON'T be afraid to make new friends -even if you're not going to be around 'permanently' (Eph 2:19-22)

DO make the most of every moment, take every opportunity to be with friends and family (Ruth 1:16-18, 2 Cor 13:11-12)

LIVE for others by dying to yourself (1John 3:16)

LAUGH out loud and rejoice (Phil 4:4)

LABOR for Christ's Kingdom in the work He has given you (Col 3:17)

LOVE the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and your neighbor as yourself. (Matt 22:35-40)


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