Tuesday, May 29, 2012


I think I got bloggered-out by the A-Z challenge (which, yes I know, I didn't finish *hangs head in shame*)

My brain has been going in about a zillion-trillion-gabillion different directions this past couple weeks as most evident in my choice of music. Yesterday it was Cee Lo, Eminem, Tao Cruz and today it's Streisand, Sinatra and the man Dean Martin. Um...yeah. Tomorrow will probably be something like Mozart and Bach and then it'll be Carbon Leaf, The Killers, with a touch of something Celtic thrown in, then we'll probably move on to something like Miranda Lambert, Josh Turner and George Strait by Friday.

Speaking of Frietag; that's my last day at work here in Canada Land. I'm not going to lie and say it'll be grand all fine - I actually spent some time crying over it last night. More over the fact that I'm leaving in general. I didn't think I would get so attached to being here. Well, I knew I'd get attached to the adorable, troublesome, loud, goofy, and absolutely too-cute to handle, smoochable boys I live with. THAT was a given. But leaving is harder than I thought. I'm trying not to get too emotional about it but I'm failing. Miserably.

The logical part of my brain says it's all going to be ok - I'm not dead nor is the city of Grande Prairie and the people within that I've grown to know and love, going to be suddenly blotted off the face of the earth. "Get a grip"  says the logical part.

But the other part of my brain knows how attached I've become. I used to think that I could steel myself against the pains of goodbyes or loneliness somehow. Now I know the pain is because I do feel things. And I'm ok with that. It means that God's given me a heart that is open and yet full. I don't want to get a grip. So there. *heart part sticks tongue out at brain part*

The best part of this whole thing? I've had experiences and been blessed by so much. I've opened up to new possibilities. I've learned more about my Heavenly Father and found a deeper love for my Savior and an excitement over who HE is and what He can and is doing in my life.

There are so many good things that have come out of me being up here. So many new and deeper friendships - it's still so cool to me that God never puts limits on how many friends we get to make in our lifetimes. That just makes me smile.

Things I'm excited for this coming week:

Finishing my last class with the therapeutic riding center - so excited to see how far my 'mentoree' has come these past few months! :)

Packing for FAMILY CAMP!!!! Bring on the beach and sun and sand (and possibly rain) and loud fun, long talks, late big bonfires and laughing and hugging and singing and dancing and absolute being ridiculous and glorying and relishing this awesome crazy life our Lord has given us!

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